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Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Can you believe that April is almost already over?! And that means that Mother’s Day is right around the corner! As of right now, there are less than two weeks left until Mother’s Day and here at Atlanta Smile Studio, we want to help ensure that your mom has the best day ever. For some reason, picking out the perfect gift for Mother’s Day tends to get tricky. You want to give your mom a present that is as amazing as her and shows how thankful you are to have her in your life. But how exactly do you pick out a present like that?! Dr. Leroy Venn and the team here at Atlanta Smile Studio have come up with a few gifts that we think make a great present to show your mom how much you really care this Mother’s Day!

  1. Give your mom a chance to relax this Mother’s Day. If your mom is like some of the mom’s in our office, she’s constantly on the busy and on the move. Between work, car pools, household chores, cooking, etc. it’s hard for her to get a break! Let Mother’s Day be a day filled with peace and relaxation. A trip to the spa is never a bad idea. If that’s a little out of reach, then consider making her an at home spa gift basket. Fill it with some bath bombs, bubble bath, candles, lotions, and whatever else you think she will enjoy. It’s hard for moms to find some free time to relax, so make Mother’s Day that day.
  2. Coffee and tea are a must have for a lot of the moms that come into our office. And with their busy schedules, we understand why! We found a ton of cute mugs to make your mom smile on Etsy, or make your own with some help from Pinterest!
  3. Finally, you can never go wrong with food. Take your mom out for Mother’s Day brunch! Even better, cook her a meal yourself! Who doesn’t love waking up to breakfast in bed? Or invite family and friends over for a Mother’s Day barbeque! You don’t have to be a professional chef for either of these things so start planning now!

Now that we’ve given you some ideas, it’s time to put them into action! Mother’s Day is Sunday May 8th, meaning you have a little over a week left. From the team here at Atlanta Smile Studio, we want to wish all of the moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day!

If you’re looking for an orthodontist near Lovejoy, GA, Dr. Leroy Venn has you covered. Call the Atlanta Smile Studio office today at 770.892.3833 to make an appointment or to learn more!

How Do I Keep My Invisalign Clean?

Smile Studio Orthodontics

By this point, you have made the decision that Invisalign is the right choice for you. Here at Atlanta Smile Studio, we would like to congratulate you on getting one step closer to a confident and healthy smile! But by now, you probably have a few questions. And one of the most common Invisalign questions that Dr. Leroy Venn receives is, “how do I clean my Invisalign aligners?” To keep your aligners clean, and to make sure that your Invisalign is working effectively, follow these tips on how to clean your Invisalign in Clayton County, GA!

  1. Many Invisalign patients complain that their aligners begin to smell bad throughout the day. The reason why this is happening is because the dry saliva and plaque that builds up creates the perfect home for bacteria, causing this foul smell. To avoid this, simply brush your aligners every time you take them out! You take your aligners out before you eat, right? (Hopefully your answer is yes!) So before you put them in after your meal, brush your aligner the same way you brush your teeth, with a little bit of toothpaste and a toothbrush. You should also brush and floss while you’re at it, that will reduce bacteria too!
  2. Once or twice a week, soak your aligner in either the Invisalign Cleaning Crystals, Retainer Brite, or denture cleaner! Avoid a colored denture cleaner due to the fact that it may stain or color your aligners. By soaking them, it keeps the Invisalign aligners looking clear while also sanitizing them.
  3. One of the perks of choosing Invisalign treatment is the fact that it has little to no impact on your day to day life. However, certain foods and drinks can stain the aligner, leading to a yellowing or cloudy appearance. One of the most common culprits that Dr. Leroy Venn has noticed stains aligners, is dark colored drinks. Tea, coffee, wine, and sodas stain the aligners the most. Plus, hot drinks tend to warp the trays into a position that no longer fits on the teeth thus extending treatment time.
  4. If you’re feeling sick, you may want to avoid wearing the aligners for a little while. Rather than the typical 22 hours a day, wear them for maybe 10 or 12 hours. You can always catch up once you’re feeling better. But like we said before, bacteria can build up in the aligners if not cleaned properly. Getting rid of the bacteria is especially important during a sickness to ensure a quick and easy recovery. When you’re not wearing the aligner, thoroughly rinse them and brush them with toothpaste. Then put them back in the case to avoid more germs. And once you’re starting to feel better, throw away that old toothbrush!

For the most part, keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is easy and a very important part of the overall treatment. Just remember, whenever you brush your teeth, brush your aligners too. To make sure you remember, the team at Atlanta Smile Studio recommends that you make a small Invisalign cleaning kit for when you’re on the go! Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss to keep your teeth and invisalign sparkling!

If you have any more questions on keeping your Invisalign clean, or anything else Invisalign related, give Dr. Leroy Venn a call! You can reach Atlanta Smile Studio in Clayton County, GA by calling 770.892.3833. We look forward to hearing from you!

What You Need to Know Before Choosing Braces

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Many people believe that planning for and getting braces is a lot of work. They aren’t wrong – after all, there are several steps that one must go  through to begin the treatment process with braces. The first step is to call us at Atlanta Smile Studio near College Park, GA, where Dr. Leroy Venn and his team to set you up with your initial consultation. Then, Dr. Leroy Venn will then be able to develop the proper treatment plan personalized just for you. Finally, you’d be able to know what treatment options are available for you, and be ready for the next part of the braces treatment process.

Once your braces are set on your teeth, you’re one step closer to that straighter, beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of. Although this may seem like the end of the treatment, just getting your new set of braces on is only the beginning. What Dr. Leroy Venn realizes is what many patients don’t really know is that this isn’t the only work involved in orthodontic braces treatment. The bulk of the time and care associated with orthodontic braces comes after they are already on! But what Dr. Leroy Venn is here to say is not to worry, because we’re able to make it as quick and easy of a process possible for your specific case.

If you’re someone who is thinking about getting braces near College Park, GA, the idea of a life with braces only seems tough and scary. That is why Atlanta Smile Studio wants to let you know a little bit more about life with braces before you choose your treatment. This way you’ll be better prepared to take on the life with braces, all while still enjoying the rest of your day-to-day lifestyle.

Braces Can Sometimes Bring Pain:

Traditional braces are made of metal that consist of many small parts such as wires and brackets. Because of this, you may experience trouble with your braces such as a loose bracket or wire. If your system seems to cause you pain apart from the normal discomfort of jaw or misalignment movement, you need not worry. The solution is simple – apply soft wax to the area that is bothering you, and come into Atlanta Smile Studio as soon as possible. Dr. Leroy Venn will be able to fix the broken part so that your braces will work properly for you to continue a comfortable day-to-day routine with braces near College Park, GA.

Braces Can Sometimes Trap Food:

Additionally, braces can trap food in and around the teeth. Regardless of what you’re eating, the location of your braces will cause some remnants to get stuck. So, it is especially important that your brush well while living with braces near College Park, GA. Dr. Leroy Venn suggests brushing after every meal, before bed, and when you wake up to ensure that you do not damage your teeth permanently. Furthermore, it is crucial that you floss well during treatment. You may want to purchase a braces-friendly flosser, such as a waterpik, which will help to eliminate excess food between your brackets and wire while still being easy on both your teeth and braces.

Some Foods Should be Avoided with Braces:

Dr. Leroy Venn also suggests that you avoid some foods while living with your braces near College Park, GA. Some commonly known foods to avoid include gum, popcorn, and bagels. However, Atlanta Smile Studio can provide you with a detailed list of foods that could be detrimental to the braces, which you should avoid. It is important to be diligent in following these guidelines because you do not want to risk damaging your braces, your teeth, or your overall health.

Lastly, it is also important to remember not to stress too much! Eventually, caring for your braces will become second nature, and adjusting to your new lifestyle will be easy. So easy in fact, that you may continue to be careful about brushing and flossing once the braces come off (which Dr. Leroy Venn recommends)!

Don’t worry, because if you’re thinking about getting braces from Atlanta Smile Studio, you’re making the right decision. If you have any questions while caring for your braces, feel free to contact Atlanta Smile Studio near College Park, GA at 770.892.3833 today!

Simple Tips to Find an Orthodontist near Tyrone, GA

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Now more than ever, people are looking to improve their smile, bite, and dental health through orthodontic treatment. The first step to achieving this is by finding an orthodontist near Tyrone, GA that is experienced, recommended, and one of the best around. Dr. Leroy Venn of Atlanta Smile Studio has asked a few of his patients for some tips that they would give to someone who is looking for an orthodontist. After all of this research, the team at Atlanta Smile Studio has come up with a few simple tips to help you find an orthodontist near Tyrone, GA!

Look for an orthodontist that is licensed and certified.

Choose an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) certified orthodontist. An orthodontist who is a member of the AAO is assured to have two or more years of special orthodontic training beyond dental school and a high level of skill and accreditation. Dr. Leroy Venn says to check for logos from these organizations on the orthodontist’s website or office, or simply ask the practitioner if they are an orthodontic specialist.

Check to see that their technology is up-to-date.

Practicing orthodontists are obligated to keep up with the current technology and orthodontic treatment techniques. With the technology today flying ahead breakneck speeds, the orthodontist with the most advanced technology most often also has the best results. Ask the orthodontist about the different technology they have to offer. Atlanta Smile Studio has highly qualified staff that keeps up with all the latest orthodontic technology to keep evolving and offering their patients the most effective treatment options possible.  

Check what type of treatments they offer.

Does the orthodontist have advanced treatment options such as Invisalign, Damon, Incognito, or surgical procedures in addition to traditional braces? If you’re looking for flexible options, or a solution to difficult problems, then selecting a versatile orthodontist may be the way to go. Atlanta Smile Studio offers traditional braces, advanced traditional braces, ceramic braces, clear braces, lingual braces, Invisalign, and more. They have almost every type of braces and surgical oral health options available to you.

Ask about their payment types.

Orthodontic treatment can get expensive quickly, and we understand that. Most orthodontic practices today have flexible payment options, and many will contact directly with your insurance company and take on almost all of the costs from them. Finding the orthodontics practice that fits your budget is as important as finding one that fits your teeth. If you’re worried about paying for orthodontics treatment, Dr. Leroy Venn or an associate from the Atlanta Smile Studio team will take some time to discuss your options with you.

Atlanta Smile Studio is board certified, has top of the line technology, offers many treatment options, and will work with you on your budget. Hopefully these tips have made your search a little easier and remember, choosing them as your new orthodontists will bring you your best smile in the best way possible! To learn more or to make an appointment with Dr. Leroy Venn, call Atlanta Smile Studio near Tyrone, GA at 770.892.3833 today!

Braces Friendly Easter Basket

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Easter is Coming Up, But My Kids Have Braces. What Should I Leave in Their Easter Baskets?

One of the easiest gifts and nicest gifts to get your kids for Easter is a basket filled with goodies from a grocery or drugstore, but most contain sweets and candies that shouldn’t be eaten while wearing braces. They can get stuck in the brackets, and make brushing and flossing a pain. However, there are many other things that you can put in your children’s baskets for this special holiday. To explain is Dr. Leroy Venn and his team at Atlanta Smile Studio in Fairburn, GA . They’re here to help you make your Easter special- even without the sweets!

Non-Edible Treats

Who said that the goodies inside your Easter basket had to be candy? Dr. Leroy Venn says that replacing sweets with a new pair of headphones, T-shirt, a gift card or a new CD or game will provide much more enjoyment than the seconds that kids get from eating a few jellybeans. The possibilities are endless! For girls: nail polish, a new book, or some art supplies will go a long way. For boys: Nerf guns, Lego sets, or video games make great gifts.

Baked Goods

Most baked goods are completely safe to eat with braces, as long as your kids do some brushing afterwards. An Atlanta Smile Studio associate says that cookies, brownies, or cupcakes are the perfect sweets for kids that want to see some snacks on Easter morning. You can write “Happy Easter!” on them in frosting, or make some Easter designs with colored sugar and sprinkles!


Although chocolate might be a sugary sweet, it’s actually fine for your kids to have some during the holiday. Dr. Leroy Venn says that since chocolate is soft, it won’t damage braces. However, you shouldn’t give your kids chocolate with nuts, and they should DEFINITELY brush well after eating them!

Marshmallow Chicks

Who doesn’t love Peeps? This sugary marshmallow Easter treat might not be the healthiest of snacks, but they are completely safe to eat with braces. Just as Dr. Leroy Venn says, brush after eating them!

Family Activities

One great recommendation from one of our friends at Atlanta Smile Studio is to include something to do together in your Easter baskets! A new board game, puzzle, or sports tickets are great ways to spend time together!

All-in-all, there are many substitutes for anything harmful to braces that you can place in your child’s Easter basket. If you’re looking for more great ideas, or need an orthodontist in Fairburn, GA that’s good with kids and gets results, then Dr. Leroy Venn is only a call away! If you call 770.892.3833, any member of his fantastic Atlanta Smile Studio team will schedule a free consultation for you, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Happy Easter!

Smile Studio Orthodontics