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Six Of The Best Foods to Eat During Your Treatment with Braces (and eight you shouldn’t eat)

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Many orthodontics patients with braces are unsure of what foods are restricted in their diets. Many also believe the list of foods to avoid is longer than it actually is. Dr. Leroy Venn of Atlanta Smile Studio shares some ideas about what foods are safely enjoyed and which foods are best to avoid eating while wearing braces or during orthodontic treatment in Powder Springs, GA.

It is true that during your treatment with braces there are limitations on what you can eat. But the time (and money) invested with braces is well worth coping with these limitations.The payoff is a perfectly straight, healthy, and attractive smile.

What foods can be enjoyed during your treatment?

There are many delicious food options that can be eaten while wearing braces in Powder Springs, GA including:

  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
  • Soup
  • Cheese
  • Pasta
  • Mashed Potatoes

Dr. Leroy Venn wants to make sure that every patient with braces eats healthy food and gets enough daily nutrients. Here are some meal ideas that are safe for patients who are wearing braces. Perhaps there is a family favorite among some of these delicious meal options:

  • Lasagna. Lasagna is a great dinner because it provides many food groups in one dish, is tasty, and is soft on your braces.
  • Grilled Chicken and Vegetables. While meat from a bone can cause damage to your braces, deboned meats like chicken breast can be eaten. Chicken pairs nicely with vegetables like broccoli.
  • Chicken Noodle Soup. Chicken noodle soup gives you many necessary nutrients because of the variety of ingredients that can be added. Soup is also a filling and tasty meal and will not damage your braces.

What foods should be avoided?

While wearing braces, the three types of food that should be avoided are hard, sticky, and chewy foods. These types of food should be avoided because they can get stuck in your braces easily and be difficult and sometimes painful to get out. Some food categories that should be avoided are:

  • Gum
  • Popcorn
  • Ice
  • Caramel
  • Pretzels
  • Raw vegetables
  • Steak
  • Hard candies

Some of these foods do not have to be completely avoided, however. Foods like vegetables, steak, and pretzels can be broken or cut up into smaller pieces and then eaten safely.

There are many foods which are nutritious, delicious, and are friendly to your braces. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Leroy Venn and Atlanta Smile Studio in Powder Springs, GA, or for more information, please call: 770.892.3833

How Many Times Do I Need to Visit an Orthodontist?

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatments can help a patient achieve a life-long healthy and straight smile. The length of treatment is always as different as each patient and their treatment goals.  Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio in Cobb County, GA can help give you a better understanding of the processes of orthodontic treatment and which approach may provide their patients with the best outcomes possible.

Schedule a consultation

During the consultation in Cobb County, GA, Dr. Leroy Venn will complete a new-patient exam and diagnose your orthodontic treatment needs. This assessment usually lasts about an hour and allows the doctor to evaluate your needs as a patient and answer all of your questions about your proposed course of treatment. X-rays and/or photographs of your teeth may be taken and will help Dr. Leroy Venn identify which treatment option is the best for you.

Once you’ve decided on a course of treatment, Dr. Leroy Venn will provide you with an estimated cost of treatment, a timeline for how long the course of treatment will take, and any options for finishing your treatment.

The time that you have to actually wear your braces will vary depending on your needs and the type of treatment indicated. The typical treatment time is 23 months. Some patients have their braces on for only six months, while other patients can have them for longer than three years.

Getting your braces

Dr. Leroy Venn and his team will walk you through the entire course of treatment from beginning to end, schedule a series of appointments to get you started, and can discuss with you options for funding your treatment. The team will review your dental records and show you samples of braces, Invisalign aligners, and other appliances that may be integrated into your treatment.

The appointment to affix your braces to your teeth takes about 2 hours and can be scheduled almost immediately after your consultation. A Atlanta Smile Studio associate will first prepare your teeth for the brackets, and then your orthodontist will carefully position each bracket on each tooth. Because this is such a critical step in the process, Dr. Leroy Venn invests a lot of time sweating the details (including bracket type, positioning, and wire selection) to help each of his patients achieve the best treatment outcome possible.

Throughout your treatment, the Atlanta Smile Studio team will help you schedule routine checkups; brief appointments to adjust your brackets, answer questions, and check your progress. These meetings usually average 15 to 20 minutes and take place every 8 to 10 weeks. If you’re using Invisalign aligners, these checkups occur every 4 to 6 weeks.

Concluding Treatment

When your course of treatment with braces is coming to an end, your doctor will schedule you for a “debanding.” Removing your braces will take a little over an hour, and you will be pleased at how easy and comfortable the process is. It is then important that you arrange with your dentist to have a thorough cleaning, check-up, and fluoride treatment after the removal of your braces.

To hold your teeth in their new position, Dr. Leroy Venn will evaluate which retainer is appropriate for you and make you a set of retainers and recommend a practice for wearing them. Most patients are advised to wear their retainers indeterminately in some capacity. The general rule is, “Wear your retainers for as long as you want your teeth to stay straight.”

Go show the world your healthy, gorgeous, new smile!

Before you leave the office after your final treatment, you will be given a photo of how your teeth looked before you had braces so that you can compare how your beautiful smile looks now.

If your dentist recommends braces for you, then Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio in Cobb County, GA can help. Give them a call: 770.892.3833

Can Pre-Teens Get Invisalign Too?

Smile Studio Orthodontics

There is no “yes-or-no” answer. The decision, ultimately, will be made by the patient’s parents and their dentist or orthodontist. As long as your pre-teen has a fully developed set of teeth, Invisalign can be used in treatment. Invisalign clear aligners are generally safe for developing pre-teens, and the resulting tooth placement lasts a very long time. A consultation with Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio can help you determine the best course of orthodontic treatment for your child in Powder Springs, GA.

Imagine being treated with a set of braces that are virtually undetectable.

That’s the beauty of Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign costs around the same as treatment with traditional braces, but is more discreet, more comfortable, and more easily worn than metal braces. Being treated with Invisalign in Powder Springs, GA by Dr. Leroy Venn of Atlanta Smile Studio can correct a patient’s orthodontic issues without anyone ever noticing that they are wearing braces.

Invisalign instead of metal braces.

Image and self-esteem are critical personal issues for developing children, teens, and adults with a less-than-perfect smile. Dr. Leroy Venn says that the real appeal of Invisalign clear aligners is the freedom to eat and drink whatever you want without worrying about damaging your dental work. Invisalign clear aligners are removable by the wearer, making cleaning, eating, and active pursuits more comfortable.

Traditional braces are fixed.

That means they can’t be removed by the patient, and the various metal parts can cause irritation and pain in the mouth. Invisalign trays are made of clear plastic and can be removed and replaced at will. They only require a few simple cleanings each day that they are worn. And unlike braces, Invisalign clear aligners require only about 22 hours of use – less than the 24/7 hours presence of traditional metal braces.

Follow the instructions.

Pre-teens being treated with Invisalign risk interrupting the progress of their treatment by forgetting to wear the appliance. An Invisalign patient is afforded the opportunity to remove the trays before eating, and a pre-teen patient may forget to replace them in their mouth afterwards.

Assuming your pre-teen is qualified for treatment with Invisalign, make sure too that they understand how to wear, clean, and store the Invisalign trays. For some pre-teens, it is easy to follow instructions at home, but in school your child may forget some of the responsibilities that come with being treated with Invisalign. With conscientious care and application, your pre-teen’s treatment with Invisalign will ensure a great set of healthy, straight teeth that will serve them well for a lifetime.

Invisalign works well for adults and teens, but only a professional like Dr. Leroy Venn can help decide if Invisalign treatment in Powder Springs, GA is the correct course of action to take in regard to your child’s orthodontic care. To learn more about treatment with Invisalign, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Leroy Venn, call Atlanta Smile Studio at: 770.892.3833

No Age Limit When it Comes to Braces

Smile Studio Orthodontics

Adults who are considering orthodontic treatment with braces near Riverdale, GA are finding that the patients of Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio have more positive treatment experiences and more successful outcomes

A concern for adults considering orthodontic treatment with braces is that their treatment will not fit into their otherwise busy schedules, and that orthodontic care will become a burden. Adult patients of Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio are advised to follow these simple steps to minimize their efforts and to maximize the successful outcome of their treatment with braces.


  • Pick a treatment plan that works for your lifestyle. The first step in ensuring that your orthodontic treatment goes well is selecting a treatment plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Adult patients of Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio are able to explore the many treatment options available to them including traditional metal braces, clear braces, or Invisalign clear aligners.
  • Know the care requirements of each treatment option. Dr. Leroy Venn will meet with you and discuss in more detail the benefits and drawbacks of each system to help you determine what option is right for you. Clear braces sometimes require more careful care, as they are easier to stain and break. Invisalign is removable and easy to clean. But, if you are extremely busy and tend to lose things, the removable nature of Invisalign makes it easy to misplace or forget.
  • Keep your adjustment appointments. Any setback or delay in treatment, even if it is a small one, may compromise the timing of your treatment. During these appointments, Dr. Leroy Venn will check on your progress and make any adjustments to your appliance that are needed to keep your teeth moving correctly. Conscientious adherence to adjustment schedules will ensure that your treatment will always be progressing on schedule, and you may even finish your orthodontic treatments earlier.
  • Use appliances as directed. Sometimes appliances like rubber bands or retainers will need to be employed during your treatment. Dr. Leroy Venn recommends to his patients to always wear these appliances exactly as directed and to make wearing them part of their daily routine. Reserve some time daily (at the same time, perhaps after lunch or right when you wake up) to care for your braces and appliances properly, so that eventually it feels second nature. A consistent daily regimen of care, following the directions appropriate for your treatment, will help relieve the stress of worrying about tending to your orthodontics.

Dr. Leroy Venn and the team at Atlanta Smile Studio are the experts in adult orthodontics near Riverdale, GA. If you have any questions about traditional braces, clear braces, or Invisalign clear aligners, or if would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Leroy Venn, contact Atlanta Smile Studio at: 770.892.3833

How Do I Know if I Chose the Right Orthodontist?

Smile Studio Orthodontics

If you’re seeking an orthodontist for you or your child, then don’t make a commitment too quickly; every orthodontist is different. Some may prefer to use a specific treatment plan over others, and some may charge their patients more for treatments more than other orthodontists do.

Orthodontics treatment (especially with traditional metal braces) means that you’re making a big commitment to an orthodontist for multiple years, so we understand the importance of doing your research. Be sure to search for and select the orthodontist that meets your individual needs and criteria. Dr. Leroy Venn of Atlanta Smile Studio is here today to help you choose the right orthodontist near Riverdale, GA.

Ask your family, friends, and Dr. Venn.

The first step to finding the right orthodontist for you is to simply ask around. You can always ask friends or family if they know about a good practice that they might’ve used for their treatment.Your family’s dentist also can help point you in the right direction. Dentists usually are knowledgeable about the other dentists and orthodontists in your area. Once you’ve considered your options and have narrowed it down to a few orthodontia providers near Riverdale, GA, you should call to ask them a few questions. Their answers will be helpful in determining if their practice is right for you.

There are several questions that you should ask your prospective providers.

  • What are the possibilities of orthodontic treatment?
  • What treatment options do you offer?
  • How often will visits take place?
  • How long will treatment last?
  • What are your office hours? (Many orthodontists have limited hours, meaning that working parents may have to take time off or kids will have to be taken out of school.)
  • How many orthodontists work in your office?
  • How long have you been in practice?
  • What is the cost of treatment, and how do you determine the cost?
  • What insurance plans do you accept?
  • Do you offer a free consultation?
  • Can you provide references from current or past patients?
  • Is the orthodontist using the most recent technology in their procedures?

Be aware of your surroundings.

Pay attention to the office around you and remember to take mental notes on what you see and experience. Are the office staff and hygienists friendly? Is the office staff professional? Are they flexible to work with? Are the orthodontist and office accessible for advice or emergencies?

Think about what type of orthodontic treatments are available to you.

Most orthodontists offer four main treatment options.

  • Metal braces are the traditional and most common option. They are most often used for children under 12 years of age.
  • Ceramic braces are clear or tooth-colored and are usually self-ligating. They work the same as metal braces, but are much less visible making them more popular with adults. However, they cost more than traditional braces.
  • Lingual braces are the most inconspicuous as they are fixed to the back of (behind) the teeth, enabling them to remain completely unseen. The downside to lingual braces is that they are usually much more expensive, and very few orthodontists offer them due to the associated costs and longer treatment time.
  • Clear aligner systems like Invisalign are made of smooth plastic, are virtually invisible, and can be taken out to eat, brush, and floss. One big advantage to aligners is that they are now practically the same cost as traditional metal or ceramic braces. However, they are only used in treatment for teens and adults.

If you’re an adult looking to restore your or your child’s sparkling, beautiful smile, then look no further than Dr. Leroy Venn at Atlanta Smile Studio near Riverdale, GA. To schedule a consultation with the Atlanta Smile Studio team, call them today at: 770.892.3833

Smile Studio Orthodontics